08 Feb Returning to Me: Bringing You Closer to Your Divine Self
By Cindy Harley
Welcome to the new series of articles that will introduce you to different ways of bringing you closer to your own Divine Self.
We are on an exploration or journey. The journey can have twists and turns and challenges. But we are on a quest. We need to gather tools that might help us discover more about ourselves. Some of the tools that I have explored over the course of my life include: astrology, human design, crystals, oracle cards, tarot cards, energy medicine, emotional freedom technique, prayer, intentions, belief work, and work in the akashic records to name a few. How about you?
Returning to Ourselves Through Meditation
Returning to ourselves can feel hard. Our bodies can show us where we might be holding on to something, some hurt, some mistaken beliefs, etc. I don’t know about you, but I find coping mechanisms. One of them is listening to high vibration meditations offered here at Birchlight Energy. Try one of our latest meditations: At Rest Guided Meditation: Crown, Heart, and Root Chakra.
Your Divine Awesomeness
Now that you have listened to the angels’ wisdom and centered within your body, take a moment and envision yourself in all your DIVINE AWESOMENESS. You are DIVINE, we are DIVINE. Celebrate your divinity.
Celebrate Seasonal Holidays
On this journey, we are here to discover more and more about ourselves.
One of the ways we can celebrate is attuning to the Earth’s natural rhythm of seasonal holidays. In the Northern Hemisphere, in the United States, we celebrate Groundhog’s Day on February 2nd. This is the time when we are looking to Spring. The most famous celebrity of Groundhog’s Day is Punxsutawney Phil. This well-known Groundhog is a weather predictor. Folklore says that if Phil sees his shadow, it means six more weeks of winter. If it’s cloudy, and he doesn’t see his shadow, it means an early Spring.
According to EarthSky, February 2nd is considered a “cross-quarter day.” This makes it an astronomical event. February 2nd falls approximately midway between the Winter Solstice (December) and Vernal Equinox (March).

In the Celtic Pagan tradition, Imbolc is celebrated on this cross-quarter day. Many Pagans will be doing their Spring house cleaning to welcome in the return of the Light.
Another celebration is the Chinese New Year, which falls on the first New Moon of the Chinese Lunar calendar. (In 2022, it was last week on February 1st). This holiday signifies another time to start anew. With the Moon being one of the largest celestial bodies in the night sky, being aware of the lunar aspect and phase can help us become more aligned with the natural world. Take time to look up and see the beautiful night sky.

Connecting with the Moon
Connecting with the Moon each month can be illuminating. New Moons are a time to set your intentions for the month. With the New Moon in Aquarius (remember, the New Moon was last week), take time to set new intentions. Aquarius has correspondences with large groups, big changes, and innovations.
In our journey, it might help to take a moment to have a ritual to welcome in the New Moon energy and make your intentions more concrete by writing them down or designing something new. How might your goals help others to advance? What is your Big Dream?
During Full Moons (February’s Full Moon is on February 16 in the sign of Leo) is the time to release what is holding you back. It can also be a time to infuse your crystals (or moon water) with the energy of the Moon.
Full Moons can also emphasize feelings and emotions. You may find you need to express your own regal, Lion self. Maybe choose to direct your feelings at something creative. Write a poem, dance your feelings, paint, or color. What brings you joy? Full Moon energy supports us in releasing. What are you ready to release so you may bring in more that supports you and brings joy?
Finally, one activity that brings my energy up is listening to music. The Greatest Showman is one of those movies that has wonderful uplifting songs. Here is a video with Hugh Jackman singing “A Million Dreams” and Keala Settle singing “This is Me.”
You are Glorious… Your dreams matter. You matter.
You are here to be YOU. Be Kind and gentle to yourself and others. Start looking for signs that Spring is coming, and walk in wonder.
May you lead with your heart and feel the love of all.
Birchlight Energy | BE–Shine Bright